Tuesday, 7 October 2014

An Open Letter to Roger's Communication

Oh Rogers, what can I say.  I've always been a fan, but I'm quite upset now. 

Less than a year ago I had a rep call me to review 'my needs'.  The rep put together a package and told me the price.  I asked if that was a promotional price that would expire in 3 months or a year or if it was good for the term.  He told me that rate was GUARANTEED FOR 8 YEARS.  It's now less than a year later and the price of my internet just went up $3/mth.   That may not seem like a whole lot, but multiply $3 x the remaining 85 months of that 8 years that I was GUARANTEED no increases and that's over $250.  Plus, who knows how many more times you're going to increase my rate in the next 7 years.

I just spoke with a customer service representative "Patricia" and her explanation of the "RATE GUARANTEE" was that that was Rogers' position at the time I was given the plan.  Now they've reviewed the competition's rates and feel that they were under-valuing my plan, thus the increase.  So I'm told I wasn't LIED TO about the rate guarantee at the time, because at the time it was a guarantee, but now it's not.

Interesting business model.  That's like ordering a pizza for $20 but being charged $25 when you go pick it up because they feel they under-valued the toppings compared to the competition. 

Feel free to contact me if someone actually feels that your company should hold true to it's GUARANTEE.


  1. Hi Bob, the 8 year guarantee was for the service, not the rate. We review our rates regularly and as per our Terms of Service, they are subject to change. If you'd like us to review your account tweet us @RogersHelps

  2. As a very educated consumer I know the questions to ask to protect myself. Both the representative that offered me the service and the customer service representative that I spoke with today referred to the RATE being guaranteed, not the service. There's often claims that the calls are recorded for 'quality assurance'. Feel free to check the history of my account to see if the original call was recorded to prove me correct that the RATE was guaranteed for 8 years.

  3. How long do you think they keep those "recordings" for? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm sure most Rogers reps don't even know the answer to that.
