Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The State of Society: Semi-Live Blog

I'm going to start this blog with a little info about me.

I work at a not for profit Aboriginal organisation in Midland, Ontario.  I've signed several forms relating to confidentiality so I won't give any more detail than that.

Our organisation has many programs that we offer to both share our culture and assist others with daily living.  We have a lot of government partnerships and rely on information sharing to continue our operation.  Every once in a while we will have someone that wishes to tour our facilities to understand better what we do here.  Sometimes that person is a rather high ranking individual.

Today we're having a Deputy Minister from a certain branch of the government that could greatly aide our organisation in the future.  A partnership with us could also be beneficial to this particular government branch.  So we've been planning a large presentation for this visit.  Historic re-enactments and food, presentations by all our different departments, fiddling music, etc.  It's been a right pleasant day, other than the 40+C heat outside.  It seems that every one has been having a good time.  Learning, listening, eating.  Fun, fun, fun.

Literally just a few minutes ago, a couple clients that were here to use our services, were standing in the front foyer.  They were done what they needed to do and now needed to call a taxi.  They then proceeded to have a small argument about a missing icon one of their cellphones.  The young lady then called a friend to chat.  They talked about the heat, and her air conditioner, which her father had bought and then gave to her because she was pregnant.  This air conditioner must have been gold plated because her father apparently spent $1800 on it.  What a generous man. 

Now, I didn't catch all of the conversation, but from what I gather she is living in a house or apartment that her father or another family member owns.  It seems that because they own it, they feel they can have control over what she does and when she does it.  This is where the conversation started to bother me.  A caring mother could have gone through a few bars of soap washing this mouth out.  F-this, F-that.  Now I'm starting to pay closer attention to this because this is MY workplace and we have families and children here plus today we have dignitaries.  "I'M GOING TO F***ING TELL HIM, THAT I F***ING PAY F***ING RENT, AND I DON'T HAVE TO F***ING DO WHAT HE F***ING SAYS.  I'M GONNA F***ING TAKE MY F***ING BABY AND F***ING FIND A NEW F***ING PLACE WHERE YOU HAVE NO F***ING SAY".

Well, that made my ears bleed.  Me: "HEY"  ** silence ** "Can you please watch your language while you're here?"  Her: "Oh, sorry"

The conversation continued until their taxi arrived and I didn't hear a single swear word come from her mouth.  After my experience the other day at Pizza Hut, and then today's experience, I am starting to really feel unpleasant about today's youth.  Will they grow out of the foul language phase, or are "fuck" and "shit" going to become as commonplace as "and & "the"?  I fear what is becoming of today's society.   :(


There's a little known movie that was released in 1996 called Idiocracy.  It was written by Mike Judge and stars Luke Wilson, Dax Shepard, and Maya Rudolph.  The basic premise of the movie is that in current day, intelligent humans are too busy working to procreate, while the less intelligent sit at home collecting welfare and popping out babies.  By the time the intelligent people decide to have kids, their bodies are physically unable.  Due to several generations of the intelligent people not having children; and the 'stupid' people popping them out like Pez; the world now has a record low average IQ.  The movie shows a drastic decline in society's ability to manage life in general.

Is this what's happening to us in real life?  I sure hope not.  Is there any hope for the human race, or will we continue to get dumber and dumber?  My plea to the smart people out there, START MAKING BABIES.  We need to win this genetic war.  Less drains on society and more useful contributors!

IMDb link to Idiocracy -

I just remembered what first got me upset today.  My default home page is - I like to see what's happening with the world (I don't know why, it's never good news).  This article was on the main page -
Open the article in a new window or tab and then come back to my blog

Go ahead, I'll wait.

I shared this articles earlier because people need to read it.  People need to understand the amount of sheer studpidity in our world today.  Who the hell can do such a thing to a child? 

I also had my wife and co-worker tell me about a child that was buckled in to a child seat, BUT the seat was not buckled into the vehicle.  Somehow the child managed to open the door while the car was travelling on the Don Valley Parkway.  "and down will fall baby... carseat and all".   This is clearly a case of laziness.  I'm sure the parent said to themselves.  Oh, little (insert baby name) is strapped in to their car sear, they're safe.  Stupidity, laziness, argh!!

The article I listed earlier suggests that we should license parents.  How about we license poeple in general.  If you offer nothing meaningful to society, no license, life revoked - now you can do no harm to others.  Period. 

PS: Yes I know there are those out there that would like to help where they can but are just unable to because of life circumstances.  Those people get a 'bye'.  Of course if your license to live was going to be revoked it would be because you had the ability to be a better human, you just chose not to.

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